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Happy Sunday (& Happy New Year!)

Updated: Feb 19, 2019

Welcome back to the beginning of the calendar, Chicagoans! How'd you spend your NYE?

We had friends from home staying with us, so we spent Sunday (NYE Eve) in Pilsen and New Year's Eve Day making (and eating) our way through Eataly. On NYE, we had a relaxing, 1920s-esque dinner at The Front Room in Fulton Market and drinks at Estereo in Logan Square.

Now, I'm hitting the reset button and getting back into my routine after the holiday madness – purging my closet, donating old books off the shelf, tossing trinkets that have just turned into clutter.

It's a common thing to do for most people, but it really does feel like New Year's is the perfect time to recalibrate and set some intentions for the upcoming year.

If you're doing the same, kick your feet up this Sunday and ease back into post-holiday life.☺️ (I know I am!)

Around Town

Whether you plan to lay low after holiday craziness or are taking January to explore locally, here‘s 51 Things to Do in Chicago in January.

Into indie? Chicago natives and indie group Beach Bunny make smooth waves whenever they play. I first saw them at The Empty Bottle a couple months back. Their chill, yet electric sound makes for a fun pop show. Read more about their sound from Chicago Reader's review, and catch them at Lincoln Hall on Jan. 10.

Now through April, the American Writers Museum has a Bob Dylan exhibit. This museum is super interactive, and is perfect for those who enjoy writing, reading, and history!


CTA Reading

New year, kinda new you? I know, resolutions are tough. There's a ton of pressure to make them and keep them, so this New York Times piece suggests one thing when approaching resolutions: be reasonable.

You cannot avoid the copious amount of junk food and sweets during the holidays. (Okay, "can't" might be an exaggeration, but who wants to?!) If you're putting some normalcy back into your diet this January, here are 10 ingredients to always have on hand.

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